Toygaroo… the final chapter is numbered 7
Sadly today Toygaroo announced that it was closing down. It has been an interesting and exciting ride for me. And I worked with some great people. But, not every business works. What seems good on paper doesn’t always pan out. Over the past 20 months I’ve received some great feedback from people who love the…
Betting it all on Red… is Apple the investment of a lifetime?
For those of you who don’t follow the stock market you may not know that in the last 6 months Apple’s share price has gone from $380 to £610. That is 60%. If you (or I) had invested more just 6 months ago you’d be doing pretty well. For every 10k you’d have 16k now.…
Professional Darwinism
One problem people of my personality type have is this love of starting things and an inability to finish them. Start new projects, blogs, businesses… anything. I am very guilty of this, as a quick google will confirm. But recently there have been a lot of upheavels in my life and this has brought this…
I stink: Why I failed at NaNoWriMo – and why I am ok with that
I tried, or I think I did. But I failed. NaNoWriMo has come and gone and I got 1/4 of the way to the finish line – which by anyone’s measuring is pretty dismal! The problem was this – 1/4 of the way into November I went to the place where a chunk of my…
Forget Halloween – here comes NaNoWriMo!
For thousands of people tonight is not about the terror of Halloween… it is about the terror that tomorrow NaNoWriMo starts. For those of you too lazy to click the link, let me tell you a little about NaNoWriMo. This bizarre words stands for ‘National Novel Writing Month’. The national is not really applicable as…
Choose your partners carefully
When I say choose your partners carefully I am talking about in business. I think it is maybe more important in business than in your personal life! Rarely in your personal life is there a contract to think about. Each partner, no matter how big or small, has a role to play in a business.…
Person as Icon: Goodbye, Steve Jobs
Millions of words will be written about Steve Jobs today. The fact that a large portion of those will be written on devices that sprang from his imagination is fitting tribute enough. From my first Macintosh, back in the 80s, to my news MacBook Air, I’ve been a fan of the company and its products.…