There Are Many Languages in the World
Following up on my last post – about there being many countries in the world – you should also remember that there are many languages. Just take a look at this: There are 6,800 known languages spoken in the 200 countries of the world. 2,261 have writing systems (the others are only spoken) and about 300…
There is a whole world out there
The internet, and internet businesses, are decidedly America-centric. But, as most of us (i.e. the vast majority of the world’s population that doesn’t live in America) know that there is a whole world out there. Don’t Forget About the Rest of the World! The best thing about American businesses is that you can ‘adopt’ a…
Do What You Love – an example
Recently I read a great interview on This is an interesting site that talks about people who are trying to create a business that will let them travel the world while still making (preferably a huge) income. Whether they intend to or not they prove just how difficult this is – on many levels.…
Step 2 – Fill a need
So we’ve covered step 1. Your business should stem from something you love, passionately. The next step is really to figure out what to do. And I believe that comes from discovering a need. Not a ‘nice to have’ but a real need. A gap in the market. How to discover this? I won’t say…
Step 1 – The idea
One note about this site. I am not talking about starting one of the ‘I make x in a year through online passive income’ type websites. That isn’t a business. I am talking about starting a company that will provide a service to local and perhaps international customers on an ongoing basis. A lot of…
Coming Soon – just about there
I have a proven background in business – from the bottom up. I’ve been a grunt and now I am the CEO of a successful company. I hope that through that I can help you follow your dreams and start a company and make it a success.
What’s all this then?
Welcome to my new blog. What I am going to try and do on here is stick to a basic theme of setting up and running a small business. Both virtually (i.e. online) and the logistics and practicalities of running a real business. My backdrop for doing this will primarily be the development and evolution…