Datatables & Rails – Basic to Advanced – Ruby on Rails Tutorial
A monster of a video here! I cover using Datatables in a Ruby on Rails 5 app. Going from creating the app all the way up to some sophisticated styling. 00:00 Introduction 02:00 Create Rails app with Dummy Data 11:48 Add Bootstrap 15:10 Add Datatables 20:00 Make it better 33:05 Add Select Box 42:40 Next…
Building Your Own Successful SaaS Business
Software as a Service – SaaS – is THE WAY to go in my opinion. It is the best combination of technical challenge, technical solution and income stream. I have built several SaaS and service businesses – the current one being – the best Customer and Review management service for Amazon Sellers (In my…
ElasticSearch and Ruby on Rails – Part 2 – Tips
Part 2 of my look at using ElasticSearch with Rails. This is more a collection of bits that I find I need. 00:00 Introduction 01:20 Non-ActiveRecord Models into ElasticSearch 14:34 The Presentation Model 18:54 Caching 21:11 Change Things! New Indexes and Fields References: Read about the Presentation Model Pattern here: – Check out the…
Think Frameworks, Not Languages
For whatever reason we find it easy to get distracted by thinking about the programming language, when we should be thinking about the best frameworks written in each language that will give us a boost when it comes to developing solutions.
Stop Think About Investors
Start thinking about customers! The best source of income is, and has always been, from customers.
What Programming Language?
From my YouTube channel So many conflicting lists about top programming languages in 2021, I put together a sensible top 10 that is good for finding a JOB writing software. This may be a channel about being a Tech Entrepreneur, but finding a job is a great way to get practical real world experience on…
Quick Rails Tips – Empty ActiveRecord Association return initialize
Just a quick tip for Ruby on Rails today. I saw a few people (including me some time ago!) struggling with the fact that sometimes you return a valid ActiveRecord association, and sometimes you return nil (or an empty array). That makes things further down the pipe a bit of a hassle. But there is…
Rails: ActiveRecord::Store – What it is and how I use it. (Rails Tutorial)
This time I look at another interesting part of Rails 6 – the ActiveRecord::Store module. It’s a great way to add ‘blob-like’ functionality to your models for those fields you don’t need to search. Some people online just talk – I just do. One of my major SaaS products out there is ( THE…
Rails 6.1 with ActionCable and Stimulus2 – Real-Time Programming Tutorial
Back again with another Rails talk! Today I do a quick run through of getting Rails 6.1 working with ActionCable and Stimulus (or Stimulus JS, if you prefer). And no, I’m not doing a messaging app, I am doing an app that pushes out object updates to a webpage. I am using the new Stimulus…
First Look: Sharding in Rails 6.1
Rails 6.1 was released as a stable build not so long ago. One of the features I was interested in is the support for sharding. In this video I take my first look at it. 00:00 Introduction 01:00 Setup 02:30 What is Sharding? 06:00 Configure and Create the DBs 08:35 Put data in the database…