Author: phil

  • ElasticSearch and Ruby on Rails – Part 1

    ElasticSearch and Ruby on Rails – Part 1

    Recently I have been using two databases in my large Rails projects – 1, an RDBMS like MySQL, as a data store and another – ElasticSearch – as a denormalized document store that drives the front end data. In this video, I go over how to get ElasticSearch into your Rails project and get the…

  • Introduction to Hotwire – Ruby On Rails

    Introduction to Hotwire – Ruby On Rails

    Another one for Ruby on Rails developers! Hotwire is a ‘better’, simpler way to get dynamically updated content onto your web pages and create a more consistent experience. BUT the real positive, for us Rails developers, is that you can do this using essentially the same CRUD actions and partials that we already have in…

  • Deploying Rails 6.1 to Production

    Deploying Rails 6.1 to Production

    Nerd Alert! In this video I discuss how to actually deploy your Ruby on Rails application so that the rest of the world can see it!

  • How Did Elon Musk Become the Richest Man In The World?

    It was just announced that Elon Musk is now the richest man in the world. How did he infamously go from post-Paypal brokeness to this?! The idea is simple, and I break it down in this video.

  • Continuous Integration for Rails with Travis & GitHub

    Continuous Integration for Rails with Travis & GitHub

    In this video, I take the Contractometer project from earlier lessons and integrate it with Travis for Continuous Integration (i.e. auto-building and testing). Travis: What is continuous integration anyway? Essentially, you check your code into a central repository (i.e. Github) and automated building is done to see if your code can run, and tests…

  • First Look: DB Sharding in Rails 6.1

    Rails 6.1 was released as a stable build not so long ago. One of the features I was interested in is the support for sharding. In this video I take my first look at it. It’s a super exciting feature – if it works right!

  • 3 Steps to New Ideas – Create Low Competition Software Solutions

    In this video I give you the secret formula for coming up with new software ideas. I’m not charging you $97 for this. I’m not making you sign up for an email list. I’m just telling you. Incredibly, this is one of my least popular videos. People don’t like to have to work.

  • 6 Mistakes Of Beginner Wantrepreneurs

    When talking to beginner tech entrepreneurs (wantrepreneurs for want – haha – of a better term), I have seen some common misunderstandings or misconceptions. I cover those in this video. Sadly, I had to find out a lot of these the hard way. Try and learn from my (and other’s) mistakes!

  • 7 Habits of Successful Internet Entrepreneurs

    Straight talk from an Experienced Tech Entrepreneur. There’s certain habits that will accelerate and elevate the chances of you being a successful internet entrepreneur. In this video I cover the lessons I’ve learned through my startup career over 20 years as a successful tech entrepreneur.

  • Why Ruby on Rails in 2021?

    It’s 2021, so why am I still using Ruby on Rails to develop new services? Find out inside. HINT: It doesn’t matter!!!