Enhance Ruby on Rails Logging: From Basics to Elasticsearch Integration

In this video I cover the essentials and advanced techniques for logging in Ruby on Rails, inspired by a RailsConf 2024 talk by Youssef Boulkaid. Learn how to move from basic Rails logging to using Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana for powerful log management and analysis.


00:00 – Introduction and Overview
02:10 – Installing and Configuring LogRage
06:30 – Enabling LogRage in Rails
10:30 – Adding Custom Payload Fields
21:00 – Setting Up An ELK Stack with Docker Compose
31:06 – Part Two: Application Logging Details
33:14 – Creating a Custom Logger for ZonMaster
35:50 – Writing Log Records to Logstash
38:04 – Example of Detailed Logging for Amazon Reports
44:32 – Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Enhance your Rails logging capabilities and gain deeper insights into your application’s performance and behavior with this comprehensive guide.

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